Our Work, 2023-2021
The listed buildings A and B in Paleo Psychiko were built at the beginning of the 20th century and are an important example of interwar architecture. Their exteriors are adorned with a rich architectural decoration of reliefs and stamped mortar elements of the 'work of art' type.
As part of the proposals for the overall restoration of the listed buildings A and B, located at 18 Diamantidou Street and 17 Sismanoglou Street in Paleo Psychiko, POLITISTICA has undertaken the supervision of all the conservation and restoration works of the approved studies, as well as the execution of the conservation and restoration works on the painting and decorative elements of their facades.
Listed Residences of Paleo Psychiko
POLITISTICA is a main partner in the partnership of the SaveWoodenBoats project for the rescue of the emblematic, classified as a historical monument, traditional wooden boat "ELENI P".
The ELENI P, one of the largest traditional wooden boats of the Perama type that have been rescued (total length 22.20 m), was built in Skiathos in 1935 and lifted in 1951. Its construction has been carried out entirely with hand tools and pre-mechanical techniques, which were used for centuries in the Aegean shipyards (tarsands).
In the framework of the current project partnership, the POLITISTICA team has undertaken the documentation and conservation studies, conservation and preservation works and presentation of the parts of the vessel that can be preserved. Other partners have undertaken the complete study of the construction of a physical replica of the vessel, as well as the design and creation of a 3D digital replica, with objectives related to the promotion of the Greek traditional woodworking and maritime cultural heritage.
Partners of the project: Dimitris Tsipotas POLITISTICA,
Historical Archive - Museum of Hydra"(IAMY),
Directorate of Modern Cultural Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage (DNPK) of the Ministry of Culture,
Departments of Forestry, Wood Science and Design (DEXYS) and Information Technology and Telecommunications (ITT) of the University of Thessaly and
READ-LAB, research and development company
The project concerns the preparation of all the maintenance and restoration studies and the implementation of the approved works of the construction and decorative structural elements of the facades of the ground floor and the first floor of the listed building known as "Foroglou Stoa", at 8 Agios Minas Street in the historic centre of Thessaloniki, with the main objectives of their preservation and the return to functional and safe use.
The POLITISTICA team carried out the necessary analytical and documentation work for the preparation of the preliminary (analysis) and diagnostic study (synthesis, proposal) for the conservation of the morphological elements of the building.
The building of the Foroglou Lodge is part of the set of preserved buildings on Agios Minas Street and is one of the only examples that survived the great fire of 1917. It is a commercial arcade with shop openings to the interior, a typical architectural feature of the centre of Thessaloniki during the last century.
Stoa Foroglou
Conservation study of the wooden carrier on the bell tower of the Monastery of Agia Anastasia Farmakolitria in Vassilika, Thessaloniki.
The monastery of Agia Anastasia Pharmakolytria is located at the southern foot of Mount Omvrianos, a spur of Mount Chortiatis, near the small town of Vasilika in the prefecture of Thessaloniki. It is a crusader monastery and was built in honour of Saint Anastasia of Farmakolyrtria, who was martyred in 304 AD during the persecutions of Diocletian.
Within the enclosure of the monastery, the most important facilities of the monastery are located on the south and east sides. The complex of the Catholic bench dominates the centre. There, at the eastern end of the bank, is the bell tower, which is the subject of this study.
The bell tower was built in 1832. It is a two-storey structure that stands on the eastern end of the bank. The entrance to the bell tower is located on the north-west side of the exonarthex of the catholicon. From there, a narrow stone staircase set into the stonework of the east side of the pew leads to the first floor, where the bellman's room on the north side and a small storeroom with a separate entrance are located.
Access to the second octagonal floor, where the bells are located, is via a wooden staircase. This floor has the shape of an octagonal open space with arched openings on each side and three round skylights on the south side. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the dome is made entirely of wooden elements and is the only wooden dome of a bell tower that has survived to this day in Greece.
Monastery of Agia Anastasia, Vassilika
Conservation study of morphological and decorative elements of the Hellenistic Tomb of Troias Street, Drama.
The Macedonian tomb of Drama was discovered in 1976 and was excavated during the excavation of foundations for the construction of a condominium in Troia Street. The Macedonian tomb, although it had been occupied since antiquity, preserved various findings which date the monument and testify to its continuous use from the 3rd to the greater part of the 2nd century BC.
According to the basic typology of similar monuments, the Macedonian tomb consists of the road, the antechamber and the main chamber. An interesting morphological element is the different way of constructing the chamber and the antechamber, as well as the way they communicate with each other through a narrow and low corridor.
Hellenistic Tomb, Drama
Conservation of metal findings from the archaeological excavation of Artemidos Street in Drama.
Ephorate of Antiquities of Drama
Archaeological excavation, Artemidos street, Drama
Conservation of ceramic findings from the archaeological excavation of Agios Ioannis, Nikiti, Chalkidiki.
Ephorate of Antiquities of Chalcidice and Mount Athos
Archaeological excavation, Agios Ioannis, Nikiti, Chalkidiki
Conservation of fossil bones remains for the 1st sub project "Works for the protection and promotion of the Petralona Cave and upgrading of its infrastructure" within the framework of the project: "Promotion of the Petralona Cave and upgrading of its infrastructure" of the Operational Programme "Central Macedonia 2014-2020".
Petralona Cave, Petralona, Chalkidiki
Conservation of ceramic and metal findings from the West Cemetery of Archontiko.
The conservation project of the findings was carried out at the Archaeological Museum of Pella.
West Cemetery of Archontiko, Pella
Network of Historical & Ethnographic
museums & collections, Karditsa
Preparation of a technical report on the conservation of artefacts within the network of Historical and Ethnographic museums and collections of the prefecture of Karditsa: "Imiteles '21".
Church of Agios Nicholaos, Eleonas, Serres
Conservation study of the wall paintings and stone structural and decorative elements of the Agios Nikolaos church in Eleonas, Serres in the framework of the project "Conservation and Restoration of Agios Nicholaos Church in Eleonas Serres".
M.I.S. - ESPA 2014-2020: sumbission of a project proposal
"Digitization and Promotion of the Religious Heritage of the Holy Metropolis of Chalkida, Istiea and North Sporades".
Acronym: e-Monastery
Project Identification Code: 5094995
Collaborating bodies in Greece:
Special Research Funding Account of the University of Thessaly (ELKE)
Ephorate of Antiquities of Euboea (Chalkida)
Holy Metropolis of Chalkida, Isteas & North Sporades
Ministry of Digital Governance
M.I.S. - ESPA 2014-2020: sumbission of a project proposal
"Digital Promotion of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Content through Novel Tools".
Acronym: e-MuseumNe(s)t
Project Identification Code: 5093189
Collaborating bodies in Greece:
Special Research Funding Account of the University of Thessaly (ELKE)
Network of Historical and Ethnographic museums and collections of the prefecture of Karditsa
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports
M.I.S. - ESPA 2014-2020: sumbission of a project proposal
"Digitization and Promotion of the Religious Heritage of the Toplou Monastery".
Acronym: e-Toplou
Project Identification Code: 5114154
Collaborating bodies in Greece:
Special Research Funding Account of the University of Thessaly (ELKE)
Ephorate of Antiquities of Lasithi (Agios Nikolaos)
Holy Metropolis of Ierapitni & Sitia
Ministry of Digital Governance
M.I.S. - ESPA 2014-2020: sumbission of a project proposal
"Documentation and Management of Religious Heritage through Advanced Digital Technologies".
Acronym: EIRINI
Project Identification Code: 5114150
Collaborating bodies in Greece:
Special Research Funding Account of the University of Thessaly (ELKE)
Ephorate of Antiquities of Larissa
Holy Metropolis of Larissa and Tyrnavos
Ministry of Digital Governance